The Link between Education and Child Labor
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The Link between Education and Child Labor

Child labor is a significant global issue, with approximately 152 million children engaged in various forms of work worldwide in 2016 (ILO 2017a: 5). The International Labour Organisation (ILO) defines child labor as work that deprives children of their childhood, potential, and dignity. While some argue that child labor is incompatible with education, others believe that work can actually enable education. This article aims to explore the relationship between education and child labor, examining how education can be used as a tool to bring children out of child labor and how poor-quality education can push children into work.

The Impact of Child Labor on Education

Child labor often interferes with formal education by preventing children from attending school, forcing them to drop out prematurely, or requiring them to juggle the demands of work and schooling. However, the causal relationship between child labor and education is complex, and the evidence on this topic is mixed (Brown 2012; Woldehanna and Gebremedhin 2015). Various types of research contribute to our understanding of this relationship:

  1. Statistical Survey Data: Many studies analyze survey data to assess the impact of child labor on educational outcomes. However, these studies often overlook the diversity of work performed by children across different countries and contexts.

  2. Longitudinal Studies: Large-scale and longitudinal studies provide valuable insights by combining survey and qualitative data. For example, the Young Lives Study has produced numerous papers examining the educational trajectories of working children (Chuta 2014; Boyden et al 2016). These studies highlight the dynamic realities of working children's educational experiences.

  3. Case Studies: Smaller-scale studies combining statistics and qualitative research shed light on specific contexts and provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between child labor and education (Kim 2009; Kraus 2016).

  4. Ethnographic Research: Qualitative case studies and ethnographic research offer rich insights into the lived experiences of working children and the complexities of their educational journeys (Aufseeser 2014; ArkoAchemfuor 2014).

While survey data tends to categorize children as either in or out of school, qualitative research reveals the nuanced ways in which working children navigate their education alongside their work responsibilities.

Balancing Work and School

Contrary to the belief that all forms of child labor hinder education, research suggests that children's work can, in some cases, actually enable education. Many children combine work with schooling, either to provide financial support to their households or to gain practical skills and experience. Instead of advocating for the complete abolition of children's work, some experts argue for supporting children in more benign forms of work that can balance employment and schooling. However, it is widely agreed that all forms of harmful child labor should be eliminated.

Interventions to Promote Education

Various interventions have been proposed to facilitate children's transition from work to education. These interventions aim to improve access to education, reduce costs, provide flexible schooling arrangements, offer alternatives to formal education, and enhance the quality of education infrastructure and learning. Holistic approaches that integrate these interventions have shown promise in helping children leave work and enter the classroom (Quattri and Watkins 2016).

However, it is essential to consider the potential unintended negative consequences of education interventions and avoid one-size-fits-all solutions. Each context requires tailored strategies that address the specific challenges and needs of working children and their families.

Research Gaps and Future Directions

While there is a substantial body of research on the relationship between child labor and education, several gaps in our knowledge persist:

  1. Understanding Different Kinds of Work: Further research is needed to examine the impact of different types of work, the number of working hours, and how work affects learning outcomes across various countries and contexts.

  2. Poor Quality Education: More research is required to explore how poor-quality education contributes to children dropping out of school and entering the workforce. This research should also investigate the incentives or lack thereof for children to remain in education when work offers more viable routes to adult employment.

  3. Gender Dimensions of Child Labor: The gendered nature of child labor and its impact on traditional gender norms and practices are relatively understudied areas. Research should delve into the gendered time allocation between work and school and the new opportunities for paid employment among children (Dammert et al 2017).

  4. Education and Employment: Despite the prevalence of children combining education and employment, there is limited research on this topic. Further studies should explore the benefits and drawbacks of balancing work and school to maximize the positive aspects of children's work while minimizing harm (Singh and Khan 2016).

  5. Long-Term Consequences: Research on the long-term consequences of withdrawing children from family-based work to attend school is scarce. This area requires investigation to understand the potential loss of knowledge or skills associated with family-based work, as well as any other social consequences that may arise.

To address these research gaps, future studies should adopt a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach, incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods. Longitudinal studies can provide valuable insights into the long-term impacts of education interventions targeting working children.


The relationship between education and child labor is complex and multifaceted. While child labor can hinder formal education, it is not always detrimental to children's educational trajectories. Balancing work and school can be possible, and in some cases, work can even support education. Interventions that improve access to education, offer flexible schooling arrangements, and enhance the quality of education infrastructure can help children transition from work to education. However, more research is needed to understand the different dimensions of child labor and its impact on education, particularly in terms of gender dynamics and the long-term consequences of withdrawing children from work. By addressing these research gaps, policymakers and practitioners can develop more effective strategies to promote education and combat child labor.

Keywords: child labor, education, working children, access to education, flexible schooling, education interventions, research gaps, gender dimensions, long-term consequences.